TMCnet News

'Czech regulator sets rules on fixed inteconnection'
[October 16, 2009]

'Czech regulator sets rules on fixed inteconnection'

Oct 16, 2009 (DMEUROPE via COMTEX) -- Czech regulator CTU published draft measures and the results of a market analysis on the fixed call origination and termination markets.

CTU found there is not effective competition on both markets and declared Telefonica O2 Czech Republic as operator with significant market power (SMP) on the fixed call origination market. On the fixed call termination market, the CTU declared the following operators as SMPs: Michal Najman, BT branch, Casablanca INT, Coprosys, CD-Telematika, Ceske Radiokomunikace, Cesky bezdrat, CEZ ICT, Dial Telecom, Faster CZ, GTS Novera, havel internet, Kabelova televise Trinec, MaRcom-Eko, Mattes AD, Maxprogress, MobilKom, Telefonica O2 Czech Republic, T-Mobile Czech Republic, T-Systems Czech Republic, Unient Communications, UPC Czech Republic, Vodafone Czech Republic and Volny. On both markets CTU imposed obligations of transparency, access non-discrimination and accounting separation, and for O2 also price regulation for calls originating/terminating on geographic numbers and numbers with calling codes to non-public networks. Within the obligation of transparency O2 must also publish reference offers for access and interconnection, while other operators must only publish relevant information on conditions of access and interconnection. The measure becomes valid after a 15-day appeal period.

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